Offre d'emploi Product Owner - Network Squad

Publiée le 01/01/2025 - n°6829710

  • Cette offre est partagée par Emplois Informatique.
    Vous retrouverez l'originale en cliquant sur le bouton "Postuler".
  • Type de contrat : stages
  • Poste basé à Puteaux - Paris (75)
  • Secteur d'activité : Gestion de projet
  • Métier : Product owner
  • Logo Emplois InformatiquePartagée par Emplois Informatique

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Descriptif de l'offre d'emploi informatique

SD Worx is a leading European provider of Payroll & HR services with global reach. We have offices in Europe and in Mauritius. Our goal? We bring people solutions to life and turn HR into a value source for our clients and their people. Our people solutions span the entire employee journey, from salary payment to attracting, rewarding, and developing talent.

Job Purpose

You are a member of the Squad responsible for releasing a product that meets the customer's needs to achieve the business goals and deliver a specific service. Responsible for defining and prioritizing requirements in the Squad Backlog and also accepts requirements as completed, in balance with proper and sustainable lifecycle management (e.g. technical sustainability, performance, reliability).

Key Result Area’s:

• Mandated to develop and provide a clear and inspiring technical product vision
• Synchronize technical product vision with stakeholders
• Continual validation of the product vision with stakeholder (eg product manager);
• Monitors the business results of the product, as well as the technical health / stability;

Key accountabilities:

• Define product requirements with the team and prioritize them in the product backlog
• Ensure that product requirements solve important customer/business problems;
• Continually solicits feedback from operational stakeholders to prioritize product enhancements?and understand business requirements;
• Manages the Release scope taking into account existing resource constraints and business priorities.
• Has authority to accept product increments delivered by the team;
• Ability to determine an incremental development approach to deliver the product.
• Contributes to Squad product development to the extent of her or his competence limited to the problem space, not the solution space.
• Continuously keep the backlog up to date with regards to content and priority;
• Balance between creating new functionalities and reducing technical debt;
• Hold meetings with the Squad to update the Squad product backlog;
• Make sure the Squad correctly understands the requirements;
• Align with other product owners and teams to synchronize in the execution of complex changes;
• Participates in the ceremonies
• Helps defining the set of necessary competences in the Squad, in cooperation with the Tribe Lead and Agile Coach;
• Manages multiple stakeholders’ competing, conflicting requirements; persuading and championing change.

Knowledge & technical skills, Qualifications, Experiences

• The ability to assess the client’s situation, fundamental wishes and needs
•  Experience of Infrastructure (Server.. Network )
• Add more value than the customer expected throughout the full customer journey
• Build expertise with focus on the customer
• Strong experience owning and delivering digital products;
• Ability to communicate effectively in multiple business areas (e.g., marketing, sales, finance, operations, technology);
• Background that comprises both solid business understanding as well as high level understanding of high-quality digital product delivery;
• Ability to clearly explain the customers’ and stakeholders’ requirements to the squad;
• Ability to set and guard clear goals and priorities (the “what”) for the squad;
• Support the autonomous way of working of the squad;
• For customer facing products, having a business background is preferable.

From many places, we work as one, moving from better to best together.

SD Worx lives diversity in the workplace. Diversity provides inspiration and innovation in our company. We particularly welcome applications from qualified talent, regardless of origin, nationality, gender, skin colour, ethnic and social background, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and stage of life.

Cette offre d'emploi a été automatiquement enregistrée depuis une source Internet. Retrouvez la ci-après.
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Détails de l'offre Postuler

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